This year's 27th issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine is revealing on Monday that One Piece will enter an anime-original "Silver Mine" arc before going back to adapting manga material with the Zou arc. The issue is also revealing a key visual for the upcoming Zou arc.
The "Silver Mine" arc will debut on June 26. The story will center on Luffy and Bartolomeo, who are kidnapped by the Silver Pirate Alliance and taken to the pirates' stronghold, which is a giant silver mine. The story will follow Luffy and Bartolomeo as they work to escape their kidnappers. The story of the arc will link to One Piece Film Gold(pictured at right), which opens in Japan on July 23.
The issue is also additionally revealing that Hiroshi Kitadani andKishidan will collaborate to perform the new opening theme song for the anime titled "We Can!." Kitadani — a member of JAM Project — previously performed the first opening theme song "We Are!" and the 15th opening "We Go!" for One Piece. Kishidan previously performed theme songs for Naruto Shippūden, One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island, and Kamen Rider Ghost.
The all-male group Generations from EXILE Tribe is currently performing the show's 18th opening theme song "Hard Knock Days." The opening premiered in April 2015 with episode 687.
One Piece Film Gold will open in Japan on 743 screens, which is the largest for any Japanese film. The film willscreen with English and Chinese subtitles in five cities in Japan from July 23 to August 5. The film is also gettingscreenings in 3D, 4DX, and MX4D.
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